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Popular Plants And Herbs To Smoke With Cannabis

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Smoking weed has become quite popular these days, not just for fun but for its potential health benefits as well. Interestingly, some cannabis users are now trying out plants and herbs apart from marijuana to enhance their smoking rituals. These alternative options bring in a range of flavors, scents, and effects when paired with cannabis. In this article, we’ll delve into some plants and herbs that have caught the attention of enthusiasts as fantastic additions to their smoking sessions.

Exploring Plants and Herbs

The following are a few plants and herbs popularly used by cannabis enthusiasts:

1. Lavender

Known for its calming properties, lavender is a great addition to cannabis blends. Its gentle floral aroma adds a scent when smoked with weed while providing relaxing effects that can help unwind the body and mind.

2. Sage

Mixing sage leaves with your marijuana joints or bowls creates a blend that delights the senses. Sage has been traditionally used in ceremonies due to its purifying qualities. When smoked alongside cannabis, sage can offer individuals enhanced clarity and a meditative experience.

3. Mint

Mint leaves are a great choice for those looking to add a new twist to their smoke. Mixing crushed mint leaves with marijuana in joints or bowls gives a flavor similar to menthol cigarettes. The invigorating properties of mint pair well with the relaxing effects of cannabis.

4. Damiana

Damiana leaves have become popular among users for enhancing the sensations of marijuana consumption and adding a unique touch to the overall experience. With known aphrodisiac qualities, some believe that damiana can heighten pleasure and desire.

5. Mullein 

Mullein is a good choice as a base or “filler” plant for joints due to its light and smooth smoke. This plant has been used for centuries for its soothing effects on the lungs, making it ideal for those looking for a pleasant smoking experience.

6. Blue Lotus 

The Blue Lotus flower carries spiritual meaning and is often used in rituals. Combining it with cannabis can potentially enhance the high while promoting a sense of calmness. Its sweet scent adds an invigorating element to the smoking session.

7. Chamomile

Chamomile is known for its soothing properties, making it a great choice as an addition to cannabis smoking blends. Combining chamomile with marijuana can enhance relaxation, promote mental well-being, and potentially aid in achieving a peaceful sleep. Its delicate floral aroma adds a pleasant touch to the smoking experience.

8. Rosemary

Not only does rosemary introduce a new flavor element to your smoke blend, but it also offers possible health benefits. Rosemary is well known for its ability to refresh and sharpen the mind, aiding in focus and concentration. Combining it with cannabis during smoking sessions can enrich the experience with its aroma.

Incorporating Plants and Herbs Effectively

When incorporating plants and herbs alongside cannabis, it’s important to properly blend them together.

Mixing it Up

For a consistent blend of plants, herbs, and cannabis, you can use a grinder or simply your hands to ensure an even distribution throughout your joint or bowl. This step is crucial for maintaining a consistent flavor and maximizing the effectiveness of your mixture.

Playing with Ratios

The perfect ratio of non-cannabis plant materials to cannabis can vary depending on personal preferences and desired effects. Starting with a small amount of plants/herbs before gradually adjusting the quantities allows you to explore different combinations at your own pace.

Tailored Suggestions

Since everyone’s reactions can vary, it’s important to discover the combination that suits your particular tastes. Keeping track of your thoughts, feelings, and experiences while experimenting with blends can help pinpoint the most suitable mix for you. When it comes to trying out plants and herbs alongside cannabis, personal preferences play a role. Each individual has specific tastes and desired effects that appeal to them, making experimentation key to finding the blend that resonates with you.


Exploring options beyond just marijuana can add depth to your smoking rituals. From lavender and sage to mint, damiana, mullein, and blue lotus, the diverse flavors and potential benefits they offer can elevate your smoking journey. Discovering the combination tailored to your preferences ensures a fascinating exploration of the world of smoked botanical mixes.

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