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Professional Athletes and Cannabis

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Cannabis has been proven to release stress and anxiety – at the same time, there is no proof as yet that it helps improve performance. Yet, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) keeps cannabis on the banned list of substances for sports.

In this article, we will talk about some of the pro athletes who played their games while under the influence of cannabis.


Percy Harvin – Seattle Seahawks, NFL

Percy Harvin is a common name for anyone who follows the NFL. He is a professional football player – a sport that involves a lot of energy, stamina, and body contact. These players require something to ease their minds and bodies after a competitive game, and that is where cannabis comes in.

Percy Harvin explicitly stated in an interview that there is too much anxiety prior to certain games. He said that he used to smoke cannabis before certain games to relieve his anxiety and focus on the competition ahead. According to Percy, pretty much all of his games after the move from Minnesota Vikings to Seattle Seahawks were played after consuming cannabis.  

Matt Barnes – Sacramento Kings, NBA

The NBA is yet another physically and mentally demanding game. Matt Barnes is a renowned NBA star who also revealed his secret ingredient behind those focused games. Barnes stated in a podcast that consuming cannabis prior to a match helped the man relax, which translated into some of the best performances of his career.

Matt Barnes admitted that he has been consuming cannabis for quite some time, and that it helped him overcome anxiety and fight for social equity. His sheer love for cannabis led him to become a Senior Advisor to the cannabis business incubator – Eaze.

Elijah Dukes – Washington National, MLB

Baseball is extremely popular in the US, and fans of MLB would take more than a second to recognize Elijah Dukes. The eased laws in MLB also give users a reason to consume cannabis before games, as there isn’t much check and balance on players.

Elijah was also one of the players to use cannabis during his career. He admitted that he often used to consume cannabis prior to some of his big games. Elijah had a decent career, and experts believe that cannabis may have eased his mind, but the overall numbers never came out to be very good.

Shaun Smith – Kansas City Chiefs, NFL

Another professional athlete who managed to successfully complete games after smoking cannabis is Shaun Smith. It’s no news to the followers of the NFL that Shaun consumed cannabis prior to pretty much every game, as it allowed the athlete to focus on the game.

Shaun revealed that consuming cannabis did not affect his performance; however, it did help in feeling unstoppable.

In a Nutshell

According to the statements of pro athletes, it seems that none of them ever consumed cannabis, hoping to improve their performance. Instead, the prime motive was always to clear out their minds and be able to focus on the game.

Where to Buy Cannabis in Las Vegas?

If you’re looking for the best Vegas dispensary, Inyo has got you covered. It is a leading Las Vegas strip dispensary that offers almost everything from the world of cannabis. You can place your order online for delivery between 8am and 10pm between Monday and Saturday, and between 8am and 8pm on Sunday.

You can also visit our dispensary in Vegas where our expert budtenders will help you shop the perfect strains and products according to your lifestyle.

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